The team...

Angela Mara Florant        Sigrid Bohlens       Markus Hoft

Angela-Mara Florant

studied performence arts in Besançon, France. In 2005 she moved to Hamburg, where she has played an important role in bringing new life into the contact community there. She teaches several regular contact classes, gives workshops and organizes Jams and festivals. When Angela-Mara is not dancing or teaching contact she is teaching Pilates, directing independent theater productions and teaching theater and dance to children.


Sigrid Bohlens

After certificated in dance and theater in Hamburg it brought me 1986 to Amsterdam, for the research in New Dance Development, among other things Release, Contact Improvisation, Performance. I continued training in whole Europe und certificated in Yoga/Meditation and Body-Mind Centering as a Body-and Movementtherapist.

My passion for New Dance Development forms and  the research motivated me 1993 to create with other dancers a "Dance Community"  in Hamburg , this "Community" developed 1994 into the "Tanzinitiative Hamburg / Triade".

I am teaching Performanceprojects, Contact Improvisation and New Dance. I love the specific feature and the moment of being while I am teaching.

Markus Hoft

I started dancing in hippie discos and discovered at the age of 23 my first dancimpro class. From this time on dance became an important part of my life. Two years later I took my first contactimpro class (1995). I went to dance schools in Köln and Scotland and started to teach dance and choreograf. And... I started to organize good Jams (as participants are saying). I organize the Bremen Jam Festival and Potsdam Jam- and now - Nordtanz Festival. Mor about my life in privat talk...