Ria Rehfuß

About Ria

Ria Rehfuß is a freelance performer, dancer, musician, juggler and dance teacher facilitating regular classes at Musikhochschule Trossingen, CI-Festivals and Workshops all over Europe.


She holds degrees in Music & Μovement from Musikhochschule Trossingen (GER) and in Contemporary Dance at North Karelia Collage in Outokumpu (FI).


Ria has thrived on a deep fascination with the body in movement. A childhood immersed in acrobatics, dancing, choreographing and athletics, judo and taekwon-do laid the foundation for what was to follow.


Today, Ria's approach is - among many sources of inspiration - influenced by juggling, Contact Improvisation, Capoeira, Karaté, WingTsung, Kalaripayattu, Yoga and Taiji, Frey Faust (Axis Syllabus).



Intensive with Ria: Interreactions

"For many years I have been working on the topics of reaction and interreaction - that is, reaction to reaction to reaction, and so on...


Together with Simon Wenger; we have put together many games to train our ability to react. Relaxation, a good understanding of the body and physics as well as awareness and curiosity are basic components of these interreactions. These interreactions can also be found in the small and delicate, but of course they serve especially in high speed like in jumps and falls.


...on a quest, playfully exploring the different facets of touching and being touched, in understanding our focal points, surfaces, axes and deep-seated structures, the subtle, non-verbal inter-reaction unfolds: clever bodies in flow - perhaps being human in essence?"