Aude Fondard (FR)

About Aude

Aude Fondard (they / she) lives as a dancer, poet and translator. They trained in stage acting in London (2005-2009) and then dance got into her.


From 2011 she delved into contemporary dance in Berlin, with Stella Zannou, Britta Pudelko and Rakesh Sukesh at Tanzfabrik.


In 2016-17, they joined the six months Jinen Butoh School in Tuscany with Atushi Takenouchi, an experience which changed their mindset and approach to group life and dancing nature.


Katie Duck, Jules Beckmann, Daniel Werner, Anjelika Doniy, Mathilde Monfreux, Giorgos Sioras Deliyannis & Kirstie Simson influenced their attitude to dance and performance, as well as several butoh performers (Minako Seki, Yumiko Yoshioka, Yuko Kaseki).


Based in Marseille and travelling a bit, Aude shares their passion for movement and poetry through weekly Butoh-Contact classes and CI jams.


They created Compagnie Amako! in order to support  poetic dance performances and RIVEBO, their latest work, premiered in May 2023 at Oh Ma Parole Festival.





They often work in collaboration with Jo Bruhn, Jennie Zimmermann and Angela-Mara Florant, especially for Contact Time and the Contact CompanI project. They also cocreate with the singer song-writer Dawta Jena.






Intensive with Aude

One of my focus as a dance maker is our bond to our surroundings (land-scape, sea-scape, urban-scape, etc.). I am especially interested in the spirit of the place and its hardly noticeable impact on human psyche and posture. It could be called the « space between » or the « invisible », it all depends on your beliefs or spirituality.


For this intensive planned outdoor, i would like to explore our sense of belonging, being nature or oneness as a group. Inspired by rhizomic principles, ecofeminist values, the words of Vandana Shiva, Starhawk, and poetry i recently read, we will explore invisible layers of matter and journey through the elements in and outside of us (water, wood, fire, earth, metal, love, any other fundamental you can think of?).


Will it change our gaze and the way we dance Contact Improvisation? Let’s find out.